A New Search Begins

I spoke with a woman the other day who heard that I was good at finding dead people and wondered if I could find out more about her mother's biological family. This is the information she shared with me:

"My mother was born on March 14, 1922 in Binghamton, NY. A nurse took her by train up to Utica, NY to the St. Joseph's Infant Home. Her mother came up a month later to give permission for the infant to be adopted. Her mother was said to have been Helen Turesky who came from a small town in Pennsylvania."

Not a whole lot to go on, but I gave it a shot.

I started with Ancestry.com and found Helen almost immediately. 

Helen Teroski age 18 [birthdate ca. 1902] was listed as a boarder in the home of Mike (age 38) & Susie Novak (& children) in the 1920 U.S. Census in the city of Binghamton, NY. She was born in Pennsylvania of Slovakian parentage. The Novaks were Slovakian as well. She was a roller in a cigar factory.

Unfortunately, there were no other Teroski families living in Binghamton. Neither can I poinpoint Helen or the Mike Novak family in the 1910 census in Pennsylvania at this point. I'll keep working...

Search suggestions welcome!


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