Mother's Paternal Line - Timmer

John & Martha Timmer w/sons Cornelius, Henry & Fred. Taken ca. 1921 in Wisconsin.

Randy Seavers Saturday Night Genealogy Fun challenge for this week is:
Find a living male person in your database from your maternal grandfather's patrilineal line who could take a Y-DNA test. Answer these questions:

1) What was your mother's father's name?

Henry J. Timmer

2) What is your mother's father's patrilineal line? That is, his father's father's father's ... back to the most distant male ancestor in that line?
John Timmer (born in the Netherlands) – Hendrik Jans Timmer – Jan Luitjes Timmer – Luitje Jans Timmer – Jan Timmer
3) Can you identify male sibling(s) of your mother's father, and any living male descendants from those male sibling(s)? If so, you have a candidate to do a Y-DNA test on that patrilineal line. If not, you may have to find male siblings, and their descendants, of the next generation back, or even further.

There are several candidates that could do a Y-DNA test on this patrilineal line. My mother has three living brothers. Two of the brothers had one son (and at least one of the sons has a son). Unfortunately, I do not know the whereabouts of one of the sons. Uncle Bill Timmer married a woman named Donna and they had a son named Matthew born about 1976. I have no idea whatever happened to Matthew.
My grandfather Henry had two brothers, Fred and Cornelius. Uncle Fred had two sons Tommy & Nicky. Nicky did not have children. I dont know about Tommys family. Cornelius had two sons, Arnold & Joe. Arnold I know nothing about, but Joe had two sons.
Henrys father John was the only son to survive to adulthood, so no one else in that generation qualifies. But Johns father, Hendrik Jans Timmer, was one of four boys so there are probably still more lines that can be traced down for a Y-DNA test if needed.


  1. Hello Dawn

    From what I can find on your great-grandfather John had a brother named Thomas, who died at 06/25/1937 at the age of 73. His son was Hindrik Timmer, who died at 11/15/1952 at the age of 63. I dont know if Hindrik had any sons, but this might be worth checking.

    Hans Haakman
    The Netherlands

  2. Hi Dawn,

    My previous comment was premature :-) Although Thomas was a brother of your great-grandfather's, they very likely did not have the same father (as you already found out) which makes de Y-DNA line pretty much useless...

    Hans Haakman


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