Tuesday’s Tip: A Brief Bibliography on Identifying Old Photographs

In keeping with my current theme project of photographs, here is a bibliography of books and websites I have used:

City Gallery. Website with articles, forums, lists of books and other helpful information on dating old photographs. 1995-2000. October 2004. <http://www.city-gallery.com/>
**Unable to connect to this database service 29 January 2012**

Cycleback, David Rudd. How to Date, Identify & Authenticate Photographs.  http://www.cycleback.com/photoguide/ Cycleback also published this in book form in 2007 which can be found at Amazon.com. Although I haven’t seen the printed version, I have found the website to be extremely helpful in identifying old photographs and would tend to ignore any negative reviews.

Darrah, William C. Cartes de Visites in Nineteenth Century Photography. Gettysburg, PA: privately published, 1981.

Frost, Lenore. Dating Family Photographs 1850-1920. Berwick, Australia: Valient Press, 1991.

Moorshead, Halvor, editor & publisher. Family Chronicle’s Dating Old Photographs 1840-1929. Toronto, Canada: Moorshead Magazines Ltd., 2000.

Willis, Ron & Maureen Willis. “Photography as a Tool for Genealogy”. Accessed January 2012 as a pdf file: http://www.city-gallery.com/files/pdf/willis_photogen.pdf

Rinhart, Floyd, Marion Rinhart, Robert W. Wagner. The American Tintype. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press, 1999.

Rinhart, Floyd, Marion Rinhart. American Miniature Case Art. New York: A.S. Barnes and Company, 1969.

Ripley, Karen Frisch. Unlocking the Secrets in Old Photographs. Salt Lake City, Utah: Ancestry, 1991.

Severa, Joan. Dressed for the Photographer: Ordinary Americans and Fashion, 1840-1900. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1995.

Taylor, Maureen A. Uncovering Your Ancestry through Family Photographs. Cincinnati, Ohio: Betterway Books, 2000.

Walters, Judith Allison. A Guide to Dating Old Family Photographs. Bothell, Washington: self-published, 1993.

If you have any additional sources, please let me know!


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