Tomorrow’s Another Day

Fancy Nancy: My Family History (I Can Read Book 1)My postings have been sporadic lately. But that seems to be how life works. Sometimes I have time for traveling to the past, sometimes the present gets in the way. I never let the grass grow under my feet, mind you. I usually always have a project or two going, whether genealogy-related or not. Genealogy is never far from my mind, though. I was looking at children’s books yesterday for Christmas gifts and ran across this book, Fancy Nancy: My Family History. 
I bought it, though I’m not sure if I’m giving it away or keeping it in anticipation of a future opportunity to introduce the subject to the next generation.
Someone Knows My Name: A NovelSpeaking of books, in my spare time I’ve also been reading Someone Knows My Name by Lawrence Hill. It’s a good historical novel about slavery. I don’t remember where I’ve heard the term “Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts” before but it’s mentioned in this fictional work.  I highly recommend it.
Recently, I completed a photo scanning project of pictures from the album my cousin Julia sent to me a couple of months ago. (Read more about this in an earlier post by clicking here.) Next on my list was posting information my Westfall page. I got that completed last night, although there is more to add. One of the things I learned in graduate school is to break projects down into chunks to make them more manageable. It used to be that I had more free time to spend hours and days on a project until the whole thing was completed. It was nothing for me to sit at the computer on a Saturday morning and crank out a paper due Monday during my undergrad education. I tried doing that when my first paper in graduate school was due and discovered it was not so easy anymore.  In the midst of the Westfall project, I also multi-tasked and filed some papers on my Dutch families while waiting for photos to upload. My main objective for doing that filing project was to find information I wanted to include in an upcoming post, yet another project to work on.
Anyway, there are always more projects to get done genealogy-wise. When I think of the fact that I’ve been doing this for 20+ years, I relax knowing that tomorrow’s another day.
Me at the beginning of my genealogy project back in the early 90s


  1. Ooo, thanks for mentioning the Fancy Nancy book. I'll definitely be getting that for my daughter!

  2. Yes, it's a great one for introducing the whole concept of family history to young readers. Enjoy!


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