Census Sunday: Where I came to my senses
Census, senses. I wrote a quick post after a quick look at a census a little while ago (see Workday Wednesday: Doll house work in the 1880s? ). But I jumped to the wrong conclusions. As reader Wendy pointed out in her comment, it doesn’t say “doll house work”, it says “does house work”. I went back to do a little more research after the post and noted that there were about five women between the ages of 17 and 73 on that page and the next that appeared to have the same occupation but I still misunderstood what it said. There were other entries where women were noted to be “keeping house” so I assumed that these five women were doing something else. In these instances, though, the women that “did housework” as opposed to “keeping house” were not the primary women of the household nor were any of them the wife of the head of household. I made a chart in OneNote showing this: House #257 Fanny Maxson, age 22, married but living with her fath...