New Beginnings

"Each moment is pregnant with new possibilities waiting to be born, alive with new beginnings, God’s secrets not yet heard, God’s dreams not yet fulfilled."

I'm so excited! I did it! I finally stepped into the blogging world. I've had my eye on blogs and their potential for a number of years. In the last year, I kept coming back to the idea of doing a genealogy one of my own. Now that I've recently completed my graduate degree, I'm hoping to have the time to devote to this.

I even made my first contact with a fellow blogger today. I stumbled across the blog by Christine Sine just this morning and thought her quote (above) on awakening creativity was perfect for my first post. She graciously allowed me to use it. Thanks, Christine.

Having been working on my family history and others since 1989, I have lots of plans for this blog. From my father's southern roots to my mother's Dutch heritage, there's a plethora of possibilities in store. Follow me as I explore this medium for sharing family history, old photographs and more.


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