Friend of Friends Friday

William Hardy and Sarah Ann Fulcher (the daughter of Phillip Fulcher) were married in Calloway County, Kentucky on 14 May 1835. [1]
Both William and Sarah were named as trustees in the will of Briant Downing.  Briant wrote his will on 15 November 1862 and it was recorded in court on 25 February 1863.  Besides a bequest of his buggy to Phebe Lewis, the rest of the will entailed his desire that all his slaves be set free.  His slaves were:  Polipus and Ann his wife and Ellen, Winnie, Pad, Brooks and Caph their children.  They were to remain on Briant's farm until arrangements could be made to move then to a "good and healthy" place in some free state unless an act of Legislature let them remain there free.  Briant left quite a bit of property for their benefit, including household furniture and a crop of tobacco.  He desired that the remainder of his perishable property be sold and be equally divided among his heirs in law.  He appointed William and Sarah A. Hardy trustees to carry out the conditions of his will in regard to his slaves and also appointed William Hardy and N. C. Brandon as his executors. [2]
[1] Don Simmons, compiler, Marriages of Calloway County, Kentucky 1823-1846 (Melber, KY: Simmons Historical Press, 1983).*
[2] Laura Willis, transcriber, Calloway County, Ky. Wills & Administrations Volume Three, pp. 68-69 (Melber, KY: Simmons Historical Press, 1995). Original can be found in Calloway Co, KY Will Bk. C, p. 264.
*Publications from Simmons Historical Press can now be accessed through See


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