GeneaBlogger Wisdom

I love how geneabloggers share the same passion for family history. Here are some gems of wisdom about the craft I've run across in my reading:

“We may think writing about ourselves is boring or egotistical but stop and think how excited your descendants would be to find a journal or dairy that their great great grandmother (you) wrote.”

“There are so many things to love about genealogy: the thrill of research, the fabulous social aspects and cousin connections, the OCD satisfaction to be found by filling in all the little boxes, the feeling of power and competence in mastering the neat genea-gadgets and genea-apps (OK, this one doesn’t apply to me), the educational and scholarly aspects, and the opportunity to indulge our artistic side in writing and scrapbooking.”

“As genealogists we are passionate about the past but we also need to be equally passionate about the present. By writing up the present we leave behind a trail for our own descendants.”
“Spending my time with dead people is awesome.  They never send dumb chain emails or make you sit through three-hour meetings in windowless conference rooms.  They don’t sexually harass each other, and you never have to fire them and then help them clean out their desks.  Dead people rock.”


  1. Thank you so much for the link, and especially for including me among such wonderful company!

  2. You're welcome, Greta! You are good company :)

  3. Thanks so much for including my blog in your post. I am honored.

    Gena Philibert-Ortega

  4. You're welcome, Gena! Thanks for your sharing first :)


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