Did You Miss Me?

It feels like I’ve been away from this blog forever. It’s been well over a month anyway. I have been pretty busy with lots of different things. I’ve taken a couple of trips, one of which I just got back from. I visited my mother and sister over Easter. This weekend I made a quick trip to meet up with a friend from Florida who is visiting her father in Ohio.  
I was asked to do some adjunct teaching in addition to my day job, so I’ve been working at that lately. They have me scheduled for more classes next semester already. I’m enjoying the opportunity.
I was hired to do some genealogy work recently and have been poking around local records around here. I’ll be posting on some of that in a little while.
Remember my floor project? It got done. Here’s a photo, do you like it?

I also purchased an external hard drive. My plan is to have another backup of my photograph files both present and scanned old photos as I only have them on jump drives right now. I’m thinking of hiring one of my girls to copy them over for me. I think that would be a good project for them. Then I can get a better idea of what else needs to be scanned from my collection. Maybe the scanning project can be another job for one of the girls. Hey, sounds like I might be learning how to work smarter!
I have located a local shop that will transfer my video tapes to digital. They also do audio tapes. I went through my media cabinet and found some tape recordings I have of interviews with some older family members that have since passed. I have several home movies of when my kids were young. Plus I have a video tape that my father-in-law put together with old home movies he had as well as slides of family photos. The digital age is here and I know I gotta keep up. I have set them aside and need to plan to take them in sometime soon.
So there’s an update, I’ll try to be back soon!


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