Tuesday's Tip: Identify Photographs

I sort of left you hanging with the last Sibling Saturday post:
but I didn't want to get too long-winded. Below is a scan of the photocopy I had made of the group photograph shown in that post and sent to Cousin Inez in Kentucky. Between her, me and another cousin or two, we came up with the names of almost everybody at the gathering. Part of the names show up in the newspaper clipping of the event, but some of the names and faces were a little tricky to identify.

1.    Terry (Charles Terry Woosley, wife of Elizabeth Watts, "Lizzie")
2.    Travis (F. Travis Diuguid, husband of Iva May Watts, "Ivy")
3.    Perkins (Earl Perkins Watts, son of C.B. & Amy Hardy Watts)
4.    Inez (nee Diuguid, daughter of Kate and Willie W. Diuguid)
5.    Shirley Wilson, Inez's first husband
6.    Aunt Ivy Diuguid (nee Watts)
7.    Kenneth Lee Watts (son of C.B. & Amy Hardy Watts)
8.    Annice (nee Underwood), wife of Willis Lindsey Watts, "Pete")
9.    Pete (Willis Lindsey Watts)
10.  Ivy (nee Poindexter) Watts, wife of Richard Alvin Watts
11. Donald Watts (son of Richard Alvin and Mary Ivy Poindexter Watts)
12.  Mrs. Wilson (probably Shirley's mother)
13.  Mrs. (Oscar) Lacy Malone (Odell Parker). Lacy (also called "Rip") was Hershel Lacy's nephew. When        his mother died, Hershel and his wife Ora raised him.
14.  Kate (nee Watts, wife of Willie W. Diuguid
15. Ora (nee Watts, wife of Hershel Lloyd Lacy)
16.  (Hershel) Glen Watts (son of Richard Alvin and Mary Ivy Poindexter Watts)
17.  Mary Ellen Woosley (daughter of Charles Terry and Elizabeth Watts Woosley)
18. Zeffie (nee Watts, wife of Bernice Lee Woosley
19. Elizabeth (nee Watts, wife of Charles Terry Woosley)
20. Amy (nee Hardy, wife of Cephas Bryant Watts)
21. (Richard) Alvin Watts
22. Bernice Woosley, husband of Zeffie Watts
23. Willie Diuguid, husband of Kate Watts
24.  C.B. (Cephas Bryant) Watts
25.  Mr. Hardy (father of Amy Hardy Watts)
26. Hershel Lloyd Lacy (husband of Ora Watts)

Out of these 26, only two are living today. Inez herself who held the party and helped me identify everyone and what the occasion was died just a few years after we corresponded about this. Had I not asked then, I may have never been able to identify this as more than a family gathering as I only recognize a few people. So as I'm sure I've said before, I leave you with the tip to identify your photographs while you still can.


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